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Fighting to make a difference, community leaders Peggy Galanos, Kim Stark, Gloria Toti, Laura Pratt and Terisa Clark founded the nonprofit organization called OneVoiceHome. This nonprofit was established to be a key piece in a collaborative effort to serve both teenage and young women who have been sex trafficked in Lubbock and surrounding areas.

Our hope and purpose is to provide a safe Haven for survivors of sex trafficking, ages 12-18 and 18-25, to begin their unique Journey of healing. We are passionate about seeing the individual in front of us as we, listen to their voice, and provide an individual pathway of healing through trauma-informed wrap-around care for survivors to break the cycle of trafficking and to remain out of the life.

The young women at OneVoice have the opportunity to choose to transform their lives and re-enter the community as a confident advocate for others who need to see that your past does not define you and there is hope after the pain. This is possible through providing workshops, normalcy, creating new memories, intentional community support, and developing individual care plans to meet individual goals. Our hope is that after completing the 12 month program, survivors will become thrivers and will enter into their community with newfound clarity, understanding of their worth, self-respect and the confidence to continue to heal.